Vi i klass 6 på Ängaskolan i Ystad bloggar för att föräldrar, släktingar, kompisar och resten av världen
ska få ta del av vad vi lär oss. Vi bloggar också för att skapa kommunikation med omvärlden,
förmedla vårt kunskapande och för att det gör skolan ännu mera meningsfull och utmanande.
Lär av oss och låt blommorna på kunskapsängen blomma!

tisdag 24 september 2013

The skeleton in the woods
There was once a boy who wandered out of the woods. Then he noticed something strange ahead. He went and looked after. When he could not believe his eyes. When he saw a skeleton. He did contact the authorities, but then he said to himself. Think it's someone who murdered him. Then came a man with an ax. Then he said:
- Come so I can take out your heart and take out your blood. Then the boy ran away but the killer was on the heels of the boy. Then he hid in a tree. He thought because I have a mobile with me so he called the police and the police took the killer. Then came a skeleton scientists said there was a skeleton from the stone age.
Then the boy asked if there would be a museum. Skeleton researcher said they would first investigate which village he was from. So you can go home now and thank you found the skeleton. Enjoy! said the boy and went home.

Matte med kroppen!

Hur många gånger har hjärtat slagit på en nioåring?